Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In the Beginning...

There was a simple girl, living in a very complex world, just trying to find her way over the river and through the woods.

Haha, just kidding...  I would never try and get out of the woods.  At least not on purpose anyway.

Hi, I am Casey and this is my Blog.  Or what I hope will become my blog.

I have been said to have a very adventurous spirit.  And I suppose that is true.  In my spare time from my job, I mountain bike, hike, kayak, and generally just try and get lost in the mountains around the city in which I live.  Oh, and I also save lives (I am an EMT).  If that is not adventurous, then I have no idea what is.

I have two incredibly entertaining Inus (that would be Japanese for dogs as they are Japanese dogs).


and Nola:

They are awesome.

My adventurous spirit has gotten me into trouble a few times...  And I am currently recovering from one of those troubles.  I recently had back surgery and am off the adventurous circuit for a couple of months while I recuperate.  Well, to be completely honest, I am off any kind of circuit as I have been off work for a few weeks as well.  But it has given me a lot of time to plan my future adventures!

So thanks for reading, and hopefully I can find some quasi interesting topics to discuss while I wait to get back to wandering through the mountains.  I think this blog will be a combination of random thoughts, antics about my Inus, and fun filled adventure tails that may or may not be slightly exaggerated.

Until next time!

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