Tuesday, June 28, 2011

That, My Friends...

Is absolutely the most fun I have had in AGES! 

I got home from work (8 WHOLE hours!) and the skies were looking a little moody.  Well, I decided that I could beat the storm and headed downtown for a run. 

As I was running, I thought a little about the past, too.  It is amazing how much trying to catch a storm (or beat a storm), while listening to some upbeat pop music (in this case, Rhianna's Hard) reminds me of my best friend.  Miss you, Dan!

I ran, and I ran.  I got about a mile and a half and it got pretty dark.  So I decided to go ahead and loop back around.  Well, by the time I got to the tunnel (for those of you who are not from around here, there is a rails to trails trail that goes through the city that branches off into single track here and there.  The tunnel is an old railroad tunnel that the trail goes through.  Quite fun, if you are ever in town, you should check it out!), it started to rain. 

When I got to the other side, it was quite beautiful.  The lighting looked like dusk, even though it was only 6:00 (PM).  There was the pitter patter of rain on the trees above the trail and the lightening bugs were out.  It was so incredibly gorgeous, it made me wish I had some sort of artistic talent so I could paint it. 

And then, the lightening struck the creek beside the trail...  Uh oh!  Better kick it up.  So I ran a little quicker, still taking everything in.  Then, apparently mother nature decided it was time for me to have a little fun.  So she let lose!

It started to just POUR!  And if you know me, you know that running in the rain is one of my favourite things to do.  And this rain was amazing!  It was cool and heavy and just made me laugh.  I ran like this for another mile, just taking it all in.

AND THEN...  I met the man of my dreams.  As I was coming around a bend, with a HUGE grin on my face, this guy flies down the hill on a mountain bike with a huge grin on HIS face.  And he looks at me and says "HIGH FIVE, THIS IS THE BEST!"  *sigh*  I love men with adventurous spirits.  Especially men who are not afraid of a little storm.  :)

Needless to say, I got home, completely soaked and happier than I have been in a LONG, long time. 


Sunday, June 26, 2011


The Inus had bones today.  They always crack me up when they get their bones.  At first they are confused:


Then they carry the bones around:


Nola hides with it behind the couch:


And Bella tries it out:

Yum!  Haha.

They enjoyed their bones.  Eventually...  Haha.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two Second Update

Well, my return to the doctor was eventful...  To say the least.

The Good News:
I have been cleared to run and for light road biking.  
I have been advised to slowly stop wearing the "apparatus".  (YAY!  I can look normal again!)
I can return to work (my paid normal job) at full duty as soon as I feel up to it.

The Bad News:
The sciatic pain may never go away.  There is too much scar tissue around the nerve, since this was my second surgery.  
I get to start PT soon.  Normally this would go under good news, except PT sessions are $40 a pop.  
It will be a few months before I can get back to mountain biking.
It will be a few months before I can be released to full duty as an EMT.  

So yeah...  The bad news definitely outweighs the good news.  BUT there WAS good news!  So YAY!  I am truly excited to start being able to use my body again.  I am going to go for a run/jog tomorrow evening.  I am so excited!  (That, and I really need to lose the extra 10 pounds I packed on while immobile!) And I will start my shopping excursion for a road bike this weekend after getting a hair cut! 

Wish me luck!

Photo on 2011-06-23 at 22.02 #4

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bad Days, Good Days

So it has been almost six weeks since my surgery.  Overall, I suppose things are going well.  I returned to work (still part time, though, but each day I try and do a little more).  It is great to be out of the house, but going back to work has really made me realize how much this injury has drained me.  Getting back in shape is going to be tough.  

I am a little worried about my progress though.  I feel as if I have hit a plateau.  I made some great progress over the first three weeks, but I feel as if I am still at the same point I was three weeks ago.  I am not sure what to do about that, as I am still immobilized and on major restrictions.  But I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully I will get some encouragement and some ideas of what I can do to get my strength and stamina back.  

But I am getting excited about starting Physical Therapy and buying my first road bike.  I have been researching just about every day.  I do wish I had someone to go with me on my search that was road bike savvy.  I am still quite confused about those curvy handle bars and the super skinny tires.  Haha.

But there are good days...  When I can relax and the pain is almost non-existent. 

And then there are bad days...  When I just want to hide from the rest of the world.

But I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  And that I am strong enough to make it through. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

1000 Ways to Die...

Never thought of being LICKED to death!


Or by smelling your own flatulence...


Or by returning to work after having spine surgery and sitting on your bum for over a month...  But I got through 4 hours on Thursday and Friday and 6 hours today!  Thank goodness for finally getting out of my house and being somewhat productive.  Too bad I can only do paperwork though...  But hey, baby steps.  :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Executive Decision...

Well, while I have been sitting on my bum being completely unproductive over the past few days, I have made an executive decision.

Sort of...

Well, I actually made this decision about 2 years ago, but due to life, it kept getting pushed back and pushed back...  And then, I broke my back...  Again.

So over the past few weeks, I have decided that I am going to buy a road bike.  Yes, an actual slick tired road bike.  (Everyone who knows me probably just fainted from shock.)

Me, the hard tail, knobby tire, mud riding zealot is branching out to the other side!  Who would have thought?

The reasons:
Well, road biking will be a bit easier on my back while I continue to recover.  
Road bikes are definitely better for commuting (has anyone noticed the price of gas lately?).
Road bikes are lighter than mountain bikes (again, for the spine recovery period).
I feel that sometimes, it is good to branch out into something unfamiliar.  
I think it might be a good way to branch out and meet a new crowd of people.  

I am sure there are other reasons, but for now, that is all I have.  I am excited about it, but a little nervous as well.  I mean, what DO people do with those curvy bars?  Where exactly do you put your hands?  And how will I know when to replace my tires since there is no tread?  And do I HAVE to wear those silly jerseys?  And will people laugh at me if I wear my camel back on a road bike?

Yep, this should be a fun new adventure for sure!
